Resolution of Issues

If you ever feel that you need to discuss a matter relating to your child, in the first instance, please contact your child’s class teacher or Year Group Leader. You are welcome to come into school before the start of the school day to speak to class teachers (before 8.40am) or at the end of the school day. If this is not convenient, you can also leave a message at the school office to ask the teacher to contact you to discuss the matter on the telephone or to arrange a suitable appointment time.

If you feel that your child’s teacher has not resolved a problem please do not hesitate to contact Mr Milner by making an appointment through the school office or by

Stage 1

When a parent submits their complaint in writing to the Headteacher. The Headteacher’s written response will signify the school’s response at stage 1.

If parents remain dissatisfied, they can progress their complaint to the next stage. To do this, they should write to the Chair of Governors, via the school, within fifteen school days of receipt of the response letter from the Headteacher.

Stage 2
Your letter to the Chair should outline the complaint, the reasons for your dissatisfaction and your preferred outcome. This will help to ensure s/he fully understands the issues when investigating the matter.

Following completion of the investigation, the Chairperson will write to you, outlining their decision, any actions that have been or will be taken, and any recommendations.

If you remain dissatisfied you have the right to progress the complaint to the next stage. You should do this by writing to the Complaints Resolution Service (CRS) within a maximum of 15 school days of receipt of the response letter from the Chairperson. Your letter should outline the elements of the chair’s response you remain dissatisfied with and your preferred outcome.

Stage 3

Appeal to the Governing Body Complaints Panel.

Within 5 school days of receipt of the request to proceed to stage three, the CRS will write to you, the headteacher, Chair of Governing Body, to advise of the date, time and place of the meeting, which should take place within 20 school days of receipt of your request. In addition the letter will explain the main issues relating to the complaint, how the meeting will be conducted and the parent’s and school’s right to submit further written evidence to the panel

For further information please see our Complaints Policy.